Friday, July 27, 2012

The back yard and garden NOW!

It has been an incredible amount of work getting the yard into shape but I can honestly say that it is something that we can be proud of! My garden gained another 10 feet this year when we put the fence up along the back fence line and it has been growing like mad! Mental note for next year...thin the plants out!

I had to build A frame trelises as the squash plant were beginning to take over all my ground space! Hopefully they will do well.

I love the yellow of the squash flower. It's so pretty and bright.

We put up a berm along the fence line and are currently working at growing sweetpeas and berry bushes up it. The grass seed that we planted here has been growing like mad! I have to mow it twice a week!
 The yard is getting better and better all the time! Now to get rid of all the dandilions and clover and we'll be doing well!

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